Deluge client setup
Deluge client setup


You'd obviously need more than the openvpn libraries to do that though.

deluge client setup

OpenVPN over SSH, OpenVPN over SSL, network locking, DNS setups, custom routing etc. As such it's possible to replicate basically every function of Eddie yourself, i.e. You run Arch so I know you're not afraid to get your hands dirty and understand how Linux works from kernel space through to userland (unless you meant 'Manjaro', or you used EvoLution to set it up). Is it best to use the eddie client or to configure openvpn? Can openvpn do all the same things as the eddie client? Why exactly do you want to avoid using the VPN for your general traffic out of interest? AirVPN perform seamless routing so all geo-locked content works on every server (so US Hulu works from NL servers etc etc), which is the primary reason I could think for wanting it this way. Staff may also help if you submit a ticket. Best bet is to persevere for advice from guys who've done what you require before. Or you could get a SOCKS5 proxy instead of a VPN (not really recommended for various reasons).


You could set up a virtual machine or use qemu/whatever to run a headless BSD or Linux install with deluge-daemon and write-through access to the main (or network) hdd. If it's strictly for torrenting only there are several other alternatives. If not start a second thread in the appropriate section with a more direct title (like 'split tunnelling on Linux') which may attract the attention of the right kind of people, rather than another generic 'help me set up my torrent client' type thread. There are a couple of guides on the forum if you do a quick search - I know there's one for DD-WRT which may give you some pointers. You can do as you propose regarding omitting the HTTP traffic, it's called split tunnelling but I've never done it personally. When you say you're using systemd I assume you mean you're running static configs in /etc/conf.d/net-conf- xxxx as opposed to NetworkManager then? You can configure openvpn from the shell or script if you don't want to use NM or Eddie. I run Arch on one or two of our boxes too, but I tend to use CentOS, Fedora, Debian and BSD for most. It's just obviously difficult to gauge the level of new people asking advice so I always play it safe to save glazed expressions lol. Oh if you're running Arch mate I've been patronising you. Does that mean I need to use openvpn on the linux machine and if so, other traffic like https, etc would go through the normal network interface? For my case case, I would like to setup the vpn only for p2p traffic. I am using systemd's built in network service to setup the NIC. I am using a distro called Arch Linux which is like Gentoo but a binary based repo. If you have any problems or questions just yell, this is a pretty friendly forum. Just in case that helps sway your opinion, as I can imagine primary objections would be closed v open source, and changes / installs to the local host.


  • Eddie doesn't have to be installed, you can just download the portable folder and run it (or not) at will without it touching your system.
  • deluge client setup

    Eddie has many more features available that you can't easily get in Linux (OpenVPN over SSL or SSH, OpenVPN over TOR, network lock, DNS control, tunnel checking, real time server lists and stats etc).


    Eddie is fully open source, just like the other software in your Linux install.That said I would at least give you the following information in case it informs your decision: Personally I do have Eddie (Air's client) available but I tend to use NetworkManager mostly for simplicity.


    You can find the guides in the how to section of the forum.

    deluge client setup

    On Linux (which distro btw?) you can connect using NetworkManager or through openvpn directly in a shell (terminal/command line).

    deluge client setup

    Is the Eddie client a requirement? I would prefer not to use extra software.

    Deluge client setup